Monday, October 3, 2011

September 2011

Uncle TK and Cora
Cora with Pops and Nana
Labor Day

Interesting how when you have a baby you end up with family coming to see you a lot. Definitely not complaining about that though. Last month we had my folks in and the beginning of this month we had Jordan's parents in, as well as Tyler and Jules (Jordan's brother and sister-in-law). God is so good to allow us to have such an incredible family.

The Kaminski Clan


It is amazing to see God at work and provide when we continue to follow diligently after him. Jordan had a meeting with the Sheriff of our county to go over some of the details as he starts to transition to being a reserve deputy. During that meeting the sheriff informed him that a part time, seasonal position will be opening up within the agency. After Praying about the opportunity and seeking what God would have us do, Jordan informed the Sheriff that he will plan to take the position when he graduates from the Academy in April.

So, what does this mean for the long term? Jordan will be working 6 months out of the year, two days a week, as a deputy. This is a tremendous blessing and opportunity for us financially. Not to mention the ministry opportunities God may open up within the Lake City community. Currently we are at 58% of our monthly goal, and this will help us to meet our monthly goal by 73%. During those 6 months when Jordan is not out on patrol, he will continue to work and serve at Camp Redcloud.
Cora was the superintendent


It has begun! Praise Jesus! Speaking of struggles . . . this whole haying process has been a struggle for all of us on Equestrian but mostly Jordan as he is the one who gets to coordinate the entire process. We may not know completely the lessons that God is teaching us through this yet, but
Becca stacking
hopefully soon we will see what God wants us to see. We will keep you posted.
Jordan raking

What is God's Love to You?

This was one of the questions I asked our horse clubbers just this past Monday after the riding lesson.
Becca helping with Saddleing

Trail Ride!

One of the kids chimed in that God's Love is when He allows us to struggle so we can learn something. Wow, out of the mouths of babes! Sometimes I am amazed at how much these kids really understand and I don't think they realize that what they say sometimes convicts us adults and reminds us of the truth. Makes me wonder with the struggles that are in my life what is God trying to teach me? And am I thankful for the results that those struggled are producing in me?
For those of you who don't know Lake City kiddo's do not have school on Monday's. The school runs only 4 days a week, because the kids sometimes have doctor's appointments that are at the least 1 hour away in Gunnison and sometimes several hours away depending on if they have to go to Montrose or Grand Junction.

This allows us at Camp Redcloud to offer horse back riding lessons to the local kids and camp kids. We do this for free because we see it as a ministry to the local community. Once again we have around 30 participants this year! We were only going to take 20 but just couldn't turn any away.

In Christ's Love,

Jordan, Becca and Cora
Mom? Is it ok that Aunt Becki is painting my toenails with a whiteboard marker?

Friday, September 2, 2011

Out in the Open - August 2011

Should I go or not?

We deliberated back and forth whether to go on the pack trip or not. Should I go and take Cora? What if she gets sick? After thinking long and hard about it we realized that God has blessed us with a healthy kiddo and our staff were willing to work around Cora's schedule. So, we packed up and I left early the first day so I could hike up before the horseback riders and nurse Cora and then keep hiking with them once they caught up with me. What an incredible time to get to hang out with staff. It really proved to be a great time to get to just hangout with staff and be in a non-work environment.

Cora's sleeping bag - my down jacket.


Hurry up and Wait

Sometime soon we will start to harvest the hay on the two fields that Jordan has been overseeing this summer. There are a lot of factors that come into play to make everything work out. Making sure the equipment is ready, watching the weather and most importantly have a team of people ready to jump into action when everything is perfect and ready to go.

Haying is a lot like being in tune to the Holy Spirit when He is working on someone's heart. We have to be watching the “weather” so to speak and have our “equipment” ready to go when God prompts us to action. Being in the Word, listening to God's Spirit is key. This is why our quiet times are so important. Jesus escaped to the mountains to get “quiet times” with God. When is the last time you have really sat down and communed with Jesus? Or have you ever? You don't have to come to the mountains to do it, although it does help sometimes. You just need to get rid of the distractions of the day.

For the sake of the community

Our heart and passion is for people. Not only within our ministry here at Camp Redcloud but also for the people in Lake City. This is why for 6 years I have been volunteering for the community as an EMT. Jordan was trained to be able to drive the ambulances for us. God recently opened a door for Jordan to start volunteering for the Sherrif's Department as a reserve deputy. After much prayer and thought on this we have finally decided that he will be attending the Academy starting in January and will be finished in April. Praise God that we have had a donor offer to pay for the academy. 
                                                                                    Jordan at a shooting competition

Cora Pearl
She is the cutest baby ever!” This is something we hear a lot. We think so too! But we are biased. She is officially 3 months old! So far she sleeps through the night and naps great, which allows me to get a lot of things done. She has also been starting to talk more and laugh a lot.



Trip to American Basin                                                                                            


In Christ's Love,

Jordan, Becca and Cora

  •  For Jordan as he prepares for the academy
  • Raising Cora and her salvation
  • For haying to continue to go smoothly
  • Good health for our family so far
  • God's guidance in our lives with decisions
  • We have started cutting hay!

Jordan and Rebecca Kaminski
Ranch Manager
PO Box 130
Lake City, CO 81235
(970)944-2625 ex. 247

Mmmmm, elk steak and homemade bread for our anniversary dinner.

1 year of marriage down or 365 days according to Jordan.

Friday, August 12, 2011

July 2011

10-12 Hours From Start to Finish 

Cora Pearl Kaminski was born May 28th, 2011 at 11:44pm, delivered by her Papa under the watchful eye of Dr. McMurren at Gunnison Valley Hospital. She came into this world without any complications and we all left the hospital that next day.

God has a funny way of working things out. First, is that Jordan's brother and his new wife happened to be coming in to visit us the same day that I went into labor. So, they were the first to get to hold her after Aunt Michelle, who is a very dear friend of mine and helped me through the labor process along with Jordan. The second, is that Cora shares a birthday with Elena, my oldest niece. Elena also got to attend her's and ours first Little Mustangs camp this summer! So, it worked out beautifully because my family was able to be here the second week of Cora's life and Jordan's family was able to be here the first week. I am so thankful for all the help those first couple of weeks. Praise God for a quick and healthy deliver.

You all can keep up to date more frequently with Cora and our life by checking us out on Facebook. I will also be in the process of starting a blog. Look! I did it! :-)

Did we come here to Learn?

This last week I got to help instruct the Little Mustangs Camp. We had a young girl this week who we will call Sue. Sue thought she already knew it all and initially gave us attitude. The counselor that week told me that while on the overnighter she had to give some tough love to her girls. They were having a dispute over who was going to move out of one tent and into the other. Rapunzel, the counselor, asked for volunteers. No one wanted to go but finally two out of the seven girls volunteered. Rapunzel wanted at least one more, but none of the other girls would heed. The girls who didn't volunteer decided that they could all fit in one tent. Rapunzel then informed the girls that the ones who volunteered would be staying and everyone else needed to move. She explained that they were being selfish not to move and that is why she was having the volunteers stay put. All but Sue realized their sin and willingly went to the other tent. Sue, started throwing a fit, “This isn't fair! Why do I have to move!” Rapunzel explained to her that she wanted the girls to learn an important lesson on being selfless. “We didn't come here to learn lessons!” Sue exclaimed. All the other girls looked at her with shock, “Yes we did” they replied. Needless to say by the end of the week this girl was respecting us more and did end up learning a lot.


What is your passion?

Jordan this summer has mainly been playing in the water at our three different field locations. It has proved challenging for him with keeping up on irrigation, occasionally doing speaker times and other ranch projects around the Equestrian Center. Both Jordan and I still help in discipling the seasonal staff by meeting with them one-on-one, praying for them and holding them accountable to their time with God. On top of this Jordan has also found himself, speaking into the lives of other seasonal and full time staff.

The other day Becki asked him what he was passionate about. This stumped him a bit as he has always done what was needed, not necessarily what he was passioned for. As we both thought about this he came to realize that he was more of a people person

Jordan doing speaker time from the round pen

then he realized. Not necessarily in big groups but with one-on-one/small groups.

Needless to say the Ranch Manager job does not afford much opportunity for interaction with people. Please be praying as we and Becki, our boss, consider what position Jordan will move into at Redcloud.

In Christ's Love,

Jordan, Becca and Cora

Where's Cora?

  • Wisdom for future direction
  • Raising Cora and her salvation
  • For haying to go smoothly
  • Healthy pregnancy and delivery
  • Blessed with a safe summer so far
  • We have had lots of campers!

Cattlemen's Days

Despite just having a baby, I got the opportunity to take our horse to her very first horse show. I only rode in 3 classes, because I knew I wouldn't have the energy to do more, but I really had a good time. Shabiyb (or Flame as it is translated), was given to us by Pete Tjeolker. God provided a way for her to get down here and she arrived only a few weeks after Cora was born. She has proved to be an amazing horse and we praise God for her sane mind and good training. We are very spoiled, but very thankful.

Jordan and Rebecca Kaminski
Ranch Manager
PO Box 130
Lake City, CO 81235
(970)944-2625 ex. 247